Specialized Agency Accounting Services To Manage for Profitability


The path to improved decision-making, increased efficiency and higher profits.

As COVID-19 continues to drag on, the ability to manage staff costs and overhead while building future-facing projection models has become even more important to an agency’s profit and survival.

For agency owners to achieve the highest profits possible, this requires proactive management of future trends and not just a review of historical reports. This is especially true as agencies allocate staff to accounts and track over/under service trends in real time.

Proven tools to increase efficiency and accountability.

Our team of agency-experienced controllers is available to help your agency today.

In addition to basic P&L/Balance Sheet reporting and closing the books each month and year-end, we provide:

  • A comprehensive review of your current financial operation at the outset of each engagement

  • Revisions to your pricing and financial management model

  • Reviews with ownership of a comprehensive month-end package of monthly results and future forecast

  • Analysis of where you are making and losing money

  • Revenue projection reports (updated weekly)

  • Staffing needs: Future staff capacity vs. future revenue analyses (updated monthly)

  • Optimized staff architecture (to ensure right-size of staff for revenue level as well as hiring triggers at each level)

  • Monthly staff allocation planning with weekly check-ins to manage your highest expense line item… people costs

  • End-of-month reviews of staff utilization and client over-servicing

  • Counsel on new automated systems where needed

  • Financial input for strategic planning

  • Support on client budgeting process

These tools will help you manage more effectively during these turbulent times and also be better prepared for more profitable years ahead.  

We’re here to help.

Prosper Group exists to help the owners of independent marketing communications agencies achieve their ambitions and maximize the value of their life's work.

Our team of former agency leaders and owners focus their deep experience on implementing proven proprietary methodologies across our three practices of agency performance, owner exit planning and M&A transactions in order to drive owner and agency success.

Developed by Alex Halbur/Managing Partner, David Bosses/Partner and Phyllis Tate, Senior Counselor

Sergio Belletini

I was a weird kid. Sports didn’t interest me, but a 96-pack of Crayola crayons (with built-in pencil sharpener), a Lite-Brite, or a Spirograph would send my heart racing. From an early age, I had a creative streak and a distinct opinion about my wardrobe, bedroom decor and favorite color palette. Fortunately, my parents encouraged my vision.

I was probably ten when I discovered Bewitched. Sitting on our shag carpeting, leaning against my father’s orange recliner, I watched as Darrin Stephens spun his magic advertising skills. Wow. I found a way to make a living doing what I loved.

Over the years, I’ve been successful evolving from graphic design to advertising, and now, branding and marketing design. This site represents new skills I’ve acquired — a new chapter in my life.


Above-Average Profitability and Sustained Growth Using the 50/25/25 Profit Model