eBook: Selling Your Agency to Your Senior Team

After years of working hard and building equity, you're considering selling your agency. But you have honest, heartfelt concerns about handing over the reins to just anyone.

Most owners tell us they really want to sell to "key employees." Yet, few agency owners see this as a realistic option. Most simply cannot fathom how they could ever:

  • Sell to employees with no money

  • Sell before the agency's worth more

  • Sell to staff who aren't ready for management

What agency owners can understand is that there are real risks that come with transferring the agency to "insiders." Owners fear that they won't be able to

maintain control or receive top dollar in order to secure their financial future.


eBook: What Is Your Agency Worth? And Why It’s Important to Know.


Agency Owners — Protect your Wealth and Legacy with Exit Planning